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2023-2024 National Installation Ceremony

January 14, 2023

The Installation of National Officers : Dr. Annette Tucker Osborne, COL (R) President of NABMW, COL (R) Irma Cooper, VP Of Operations, MAJ (R) Stanlee Richards, VP Of Military Affairs, SSG (R) Judith Cotten, Secretary, SGM (R) Melissa Jones, Treasurer, MAJ (R) Deidre Darden Asst. Treasurer, LTC ( R) Ida Goodwine, Historian, COL (R) Cheryl Adams, Asst. Historian, LTC (R) Christine Lewis, Asst. Historian and CW2 (R) Latia Suttle, Public Relations Officer.

Wendy McClinton served as the Mistress of Ceremony, Invocation, Annie Suggs, National Anthem performed by Tanya Thomas, Guest Speakers the Honorable Hakeem Jeffries, Col (Ret) Terrance Holiday, and Commissioner James Hendon.

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