Dr. Doris "Lucki" Allen
Vietnam Veteran US Army 1950 – 1980
On June 26, 2009, Dr. Doris "Lucki" Allen, Ph.D. become a member of one of the most exclusive organizations in the world: The Military Intelligence Corp Hall of Fame.
Known to her friends nationally and across the world as Lucki, she joined the US Army in 1950 after serving some years as a teacher in America's segregated schools.
During 30 years of military service she served in three major job fields: Entertainment, Public Affairs (journalism) and Intelligence. As an entertainment specialist she assisted in the production of and acted in many shows and was a key member of a team booking professional entertainment acts for soldiers' clubs. Dr Lucki's first assignment in journalism was as senior editor of a newspaper writing features, editorials and sports stories directed at both military and civilian audiences in both the United States and overseas. As an FCC-licensed radio broadcaster of world and local news, she earned the coveted Department of Defense Certificate of Merit for “Excellence In Journalism”.
Returning to the states in 1970, after three one-year tours in Vietnam, Dr Allen became the first official full-time woman instructor of the US Army Intelligence School Interrogator Prisoner of War Course.
In late 1971, Lucki was selected to become a Special Agent \Counter intelligence technician. In that capacity she conducted investigations to prevent, detect and neutralize acts of espionage, sabotage, subversion and treason directed against the US Army and the Department of Defense.
In 1963, Lucki entered the intelligence field and became the first woman graduate of the US Army Intelligence School as a Prisoner of War Interrogator. During her tour at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, she operated a language laboratory and taught interrogation techniques. After attending an Intelligence Analysis Course (honor graduate), she served as an analyst of all intelligence matters from Latin America affecting the US Defense establishment.
Dr Allen is a graduate of Tuskegee University in Alabama, Ball State University in Muncie Indiana and the Wright Institute in Berkeley, California where she obtained her doctorate in psychology.
Her medals and decorations include:
Bronze Star with two Oak Leaf Clusters (3rd award)
Meritorious Service Medal
Army Commendation Medal Good Conduct Medal with Silver Loop (6th award)
Army of Occupation Medal (Japan)
National Defense Service Medal with bronze star (2nd award)
Vietnam Service Medal with two Silver Stars
Vietnam Campaign Medal
United Nations Service Medal
Korea Presidential Unit Citation Meritorious Unit Citation
Korean Service Medal
Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry
A member of City of Refuge UCC in downtown San Francisco, she (known there as "Dr. Lucki") serves as a mentor to many young people in the congregation. Appointed as Church Mother for City of Refuge, Tijuana, Mexico, Lucki makes frequent visits to its fast-growing congregation. In Zimbabwe, she is an Elder of the Mother of Peace Orphanage which she has supported for many years. As mentor to so many, Dr. Lucki is continuing her role developed in her military career, that of teacher, guide and leader.
Little Know Facts: The only other female Black inductee was a civilian named Mary Elizabeth Bowser. Born in 1840, this former (freed) slave was inducted into the Military Intelligence Corp Hall of Fame in 1955. She was honored in acknowledgement of her role in the ultimate success of the Union Forces in the Civil War. Ms Bowser, according to the citation, "certainly succeeded in a highly dangerous mission to the great benefit of the Union effort. She was one of the highest-placed and most productive espionage agents of the Civil War." Mary Elizabeth Bowser born in 1840, a former (freed) slave was one of the highest-placed and most productive espionage agents of the Civil War. She was inducted into the Military Intelligence Corp Hall of Fame in 1955.

Doris "Lucki" Allen, Ph.D.