The mission of the NABMW is to seek out, record and tell the history of Black Military Women. If you are a black military woman who is serving in U.S. Armed Forces ...or if you know a black military woman who has served.... or if you know a black military Woman who has served and passed on, we need "Your or Their Story". We call Your (Their) story "HerStory."
These stories will be told to many school children, college students, TV stations, newspapers, radio stations, documentaries and all sorts of people (family and friends) who want to know about you and your experiences as a black military woman. These stories will be part of black history, military women history, and history in general. They also are interest on how the military has affect your life. Don't be left out. Join us and send us your information now.
Please email your information (with pictures - limited to 3) to NABMWherstory@aol.com or Mail information to: NABMW, C/O Col. (Ret.) Kathaleen F. Harris, 5695 Pine Meadows Ct. Morrow, Ga 30260-1053. One of the pictures should be of you in military uniform.
Please Note: This information will be seen by all who access this web page. All information posted to this web page is freely given by the individuals who want to tell their story or the story of someone they know. NABMW is not responsible for the accuracy of the information posted to this web page.
Research Report By Ms. Jacqueline Hodge
Many visitors have requested information about the contributions of African American women to the military. See what Ms. Jacqueline Hodge, an Instructional Systems Specialist at the U.S. Armor School at Fort Knox, Kentucky who served as a participant in the Topical Research Intern Program at the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) in March 1995. She conducted extensive research on African-American women and prepared this report. The Institute and the National Association of Black Military Women thanks Ms. Hodge for her contributions to the research efforts.
African-American Women in Army Aviation
World War II: African American Women in the Military
Rosey The Riveter
Nation's only female Buffalo Soldier honored with monument in Leavenworth
First black female U2 pilot promoted to Lt. Col.
World War II- Major Charity Adams- 6888 Postal Battalion
Black Women Serve as Nurses in World War II